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Напишите пожалуйста сочинение на английском языке об Александре Сергеевиче Пушкине на тему мой любимый писатель.

Pushkin is my favourite poet and writer. I really like his tales, which teach us wisdom, understanding others, finding yourself. Pushkin in his works, very clearly shows us that people, whatever nationality they may be, has no boundaries – we are all human, we all possess kindness, only to reveal it are able not all... This is a digression.
Before I could read, my mother read me all the stories of this remarkable poet. I knew most of my favourite passages from his stories by heart, while still in preschool age. Very well I remember when I was 5 years old and we were returning home from kindergarten, we met a friend of moms.
I walked, not walked, I could only jump :), you know, paving tiles, counting one by one, and did not pay attention to their conversation. And then suddenly I heard a familiar name: "Pushkin". I listened. Familiar aunt (for me then) told the mother about the child – the pupil that the school does not want to learn poems by Pushkin and anyway, he doesnt like the works of Pushkin (cant remember the exact words, so I write from the position of an adult, not the child).
 My mom then, with such joy and even pride, as I thought then said, "And my daughter is so fond of Pushkins fairy tales since when mealexander Pushkin baby was that while reading them, it does not distract". I must say, I was restless and to distract me with something else, in addition to the main activities that were aimed, for example, classes in the kindergarten was very easy. And when I listened to, watched on TV, and then started to read the tale, and then other works by Pushkin, I could not be distracted by anything.
I thought then was likely surprised by the childish: "so, not to love such fabulous tales of Pushkin!" In my childs head did not fit...
Here and now, always love all of the works of Alexander Pushkin, read them with great pleasure. And about the fairy tales and say nothing! They have so much wisdom, so much philosophy, so much reality and no illusions. Son and daughter also really like the works of Pushkin, which, of course, heard and watched all of his fairy tales. But they still prefer tales.
My essay about the work of Alexander – my favorite poet.And what do you think, dear readers!
I maybe wouldnt be writing this article today, but... no accidents! Going through your personal belongings this morning, I came across the draft essays about the works of the poet, written by me for admission to the University. My surprise was that on the day of Pushkins birth I began to go through things and on this day found his essay. Here is an excerpt from his original version:
Love is the constant companion of poetry. Love poems is an integral part of his work. In it, the poet (in the Lyceum period) often refers to mythological images: Cupid, Cupid, Venus. Pushkin uses the traditional form of a love letter: "Natalia", "thereto", "Message Lida".
In the "Message to Lida," the poet calls his beloved "confidante of Venus":
You friendly bow,
Love the wreath and the lyre ringing.
In later poems, Pushkin was drawn to romanticism. To this period include the poem "the Black shawl", "went Out the day star...", "Night" and others.
"Went out the day star..." — memories of the Homeland, "reckless love", about lost youth. These memories are only suffering:
I remembered previous years crazy love,
And all that I suffered, and all that sweet heart,
The wishes and hopes of captivating deceit...
The poem "I remember a wonderful moment..." is not only the model of love poetry. But kind of poetic biography of the poet. This is addressed to A. P. Kern.
In the poem "I loved You..." embodies the idea of sacrifice:
I loved You; love maybe
My soul is not extinguished;
But let it not bother You anymore;
I dont want to sadden You.
The poet does not want to upset and alarm the object of his former love, does not want to hurt the memories of the past feeling. "Hes not denying it, nothing curses, all watching with love and blessings, — wrote Belinsky, — reading his creation, you can an excellent way to educate a person..."
Alexander Pushkinsky "Madonna" devoted to Pushkins wife N. N. Goncharova. The poet identifies the bride with Madonna. The poem is imbued with harmony and perfection:
Not many paintings of the old masters
To decorate, I always wanted his own abode,
But only one...
...to me from the canvas. As with the clouds,
Pure and our divine Savior –
She greatness, he with the mind in the eyes –
Pushkin admiringly says about his bride:
You have sent me, you, my Madonna.
The purest delights purest example.
"His poetry is alien to the entire fantasy, dreamy, false, illusory ideal; it is all permeated through and through with reality; she does not put on a person life of white and blush, but shows her in her natural, true beauty; in his poetry there is a heaven, but they are always imbued with the earth" (Belinsky).
Read Alexander Pushkin read his works to their children and instill in them a real Person.
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