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Английский язык

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The dearest person in my life is my mother. Mom — is the native person in everyones life. My Mom is the best friend. I entrust her all my secrets and tell everything to her and she will always help and support me in difficult moment. 
My mothers name is _____. My Mommy is very beautiful, kind and cheerful woman. Shes tall, with beautiful ___ hair and ____ eyes; she has a very nice smile with kind and warm hands. And what’s else! So many beautiful and soft words help me describe feelings!

My mother works as ____. At work she is respected and loved by everybody! I believe that it is very important and noble occupation. 

My mother is a teacher and a principal in my own life. She teaches me to be good and responsive, kind and sincere.

My Mom loves order and cleanliness, taking care about herself and cleaning the house. When I come
home from training, my mother always helps me to prepare homework if I have no time.
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