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1 У меня было слишком мало времени чтобы помочь ему.
2 Ничего серьёзного не было сказано на собрании.
3 Елена сказала подруге , что её родители уехали на море.
4 Я написала ей письмо неделю назад , но еще не получила ответа.
5 Где он работает ? Не знаю, он мне ничего об этом не говорил.

1 I had too little time to help him.
2 Nothing serious was said at the meeting.
3 Elena told her friend that her parents had gone to the sea.
4 I wrote her a letter a week ago, but I have not a reply yet.
5 Where does he work I do not know, he did not tell me anything about it.

1) I had too little time to help him
2)There was nothing important told on the meeting
3)Helen said her friend that her parents had gone to the sea
4)I have written the letter a week ago, but I didnt get the answer yet
5) Where does he work I dont know, he didnt tell me anything about it
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