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Английский язык

Ex. 2. Complete the sentences using to, at, from, onto, on, off, into, in, or out off:
1. I got out ………. the bath when the phone rang.
2. I forgot to send a birthday card ………. Helen yesterday.
3. He was very tired when he got back ………. Australia.
4. We’re going to stay ………. a holiday apartment in Spain.
5. We stopped ………. the traffic lights and the car broke down.
6. He took all the toys ………. the box and left them ………. the floor.
7. Our friends met us ………. the airport when we arrived ………. Berlin.
8. He felt very hot and so he jumped ………. the beautiful clear water.
9. We took our lunch ………. the garden and ate it ………. the grass.
10. When I arrived, I carried my heavy bag all the way ………. the station ………. the hotel.

Ex. 3. Rewrite these sentences in the correct order:
Model: to the mountains / never / we / go – We never go to the mountains.
1. often / she / write to me / doesn’t
2. play football / the boys / always / on Sunday afternoons
3. late / usually / arrives / the bus
4. go / I / often / bed / to / before 11
5. never / coffee / in / drinks / she / the evening
6. it / in the summer / rain / often / doesn’t
7. slowly / I / always / books / read
8. by / my / usually / father / to / bus / goes / work
9. always / at / go / we / to / the beach / the weekend

2.1. She doesnt often write to me. 2.2. The boys always play football on Sunday afternoons. 2.3. The bus usually arrives late. 2.4. I often go to bad before 11.2.5. She never drinks coffee in the evening. 2.6. It doesnt often rain in the summer. 2.7. I always red books slowly
1.1. off
1.2. to
1.3. from
1.4. on
1.6. in; on
1.7. in; to
1.8. into
1.9. in, on
1.10. off, into

2.1. She doesnt often write to me.
2.2. The boys always play football on Sunday afternoons.
2.3. The bus usually arrives late.
2.4. I often go to bad before 11.
2.5. She never drinks coffee in the evening.
2.6. It doesnt often rain in the summer.
2.7. I always red books slowly.
2.8. My father usually goes to work by bus.
2.9. We always go to the beach at the weekend.

Не уверен в первом номере, там наугад влепи что-нибудь.
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