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Напиши отрицательные и вопросительные предложения 1.She wants to go to the zoo 2.She likes to draw 3. you may open the window 4. we want to buy a chocolate 5. he may close the door 6. She can clean her room 7. they want to go to the cinema

1. She does not want to go to the zoo.
Does she want to go to the zoo
2. She does not like draw.
Does she like draw
3. You may not open the window.
May you open the window
4. We does not want to buy a chocolate.
Does we want to buy a chocolate
5. He may not close the door.
May he close the door
6. She can not clear her room.
Can she clear her room
7. They does not want to go to the cinema.
Does they want to go to the cinema
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