Стать экспертом Правила
Английский язык

Make a leaflet of dos and don'ts to tell school students whst to do when playing outside.
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Как минимум 5 правил, что нельзя и 5, что можно
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1 Dont talk to strangers in the street!

Dont go and dont ride anywhere

with strangers!

2 Don’t cross the road under red lights!

3 Cross the road at “zebra” crossings!

(Look left and right before crossing the road)

4 Cross the road under  green lights!

5 Don’t eat any food or drinks!

6 Don’t laugh, scream or shout loudly!

7 Don’t turn on music loudly!

8 Don’t play on the road!

9 Don’t run out on the rood!

10 Dont throw rubbish in the street!

(Dont litter in the street!)

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