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Помогите пожалуйсто составить диалог на тему from the cinema to the museum.

1- Hi. How are you
2- Hi, Im fine
1- Do you have any plans for weekends I have some ideas about it.
2- I dont have any plans, what can you suggest
1- Lets go to the museum and to the cinema after museum
2- I like idea about museum, but actually i dont want to go to cinema then, Llets walk after museum
1- Good idea, I can show you all showplaces of my town! By the way, picture gallery opens in our town, do you want to go there
2- Let me think about it. Yes, id like to know some russian culture
1- Ok, I will come to you at 4, deal
2- Come at 2 better, i will wait you on reception. Bye.
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