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Английский язык

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1 seen , climbing , wall , The , was , as , over , the , was, thief , he.
2 nice , I , clothes , haven't , any , got , winter, I , for , have?
3 letter , to give, To send , pain , this , him , means.
4Life , mountain, to , in , the , good, his , health , did.
5 platform , child , she , on , stood , She , so , was , a , the , as if , helplessly.
6 learn , English , you, Do , or , you , do , it , know , already, well?

1. The thief was seen as he was climbing over the wall.
2. I havent got any nice clothes for winter, have I
3. To send this letter means to give him pain.
4. Life in the mountain did good to his health.
5. She stood on a platform so helplessly as if she was a child.
6. Do you learn English or do you already know it well
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