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Food plays an important role in our lives. Often people have different preferences and tastes. Someone likes hot and spicy dishes, while others prefer softer tastes. For many people, a very important role plays the usefulness of the food. And there are those who prefer to eat only vegetarian food. In general, everyone has different tastes. As the wise saying goes - "Every man to his own taste»

Everybody in our family is fond of cooking. My mother cooks more often than others. And I like to help her. However, we often experiment with recipes, because we love the variety. We use recipes from all around the world. We like Italian food. We often cook pizza, lasagna and pasta. More we like Japanese cuisine - a variety of rolls and sushi.

And recently, we decided to try the traditional British cuisine and cook the famous cottage pie. At first we were a little bit confused by the ingredients. But in the end it came out very tasty and satisfying.

In my opinion, cooking - is a true art. Food should not only bring satiety, it should be tasty and useful.

My favorite dish is spaghetti. There are different types of spaghetti, I prefer eating Italian pasta with cheese and tomato sauce. I know that salt makes most dishes more tasty, but I don’t like salty food. I always ask my mom not to put too much salt in soup or mashed potato. I don’t like eating meat or fish, instead I prefer to eat vegetables. In the morning when I don’t have much time for breakfast I eat some fruits and fry the egg. I always eat some hot soup as the first course at lunch. There is no much choice at the canteen so as the second course I eat rice with vegetables or fried potato. I try not to eat a dessert every time but puddings and pancakes are always so tasty that they are difficult to reject. In the evening I enjoy home-cooked food and try new recipes.
( Мое любимое блюдо спагетти. Существуют различные виды спагетти, я предпочитаю пищу итальянскую пасту с сыром и томатным соусом. Я знаю, что соль делает большинство блюд более вкусной, но я не люблю соленую пищу. Я всегда спрашиваю мою маму не ставить слишком много соли в суп или картофельное пюре. Я не люблю есть мясо или рыбу, а я предпочитаю употреблять в пищу овощи. Утром, когда у меня нет много времени на завтрак я ем немного фруктов и жарить яйцо. Я всегда есть некоторые горячий суп в качестве первого курса на обед. Там нет особого выбора в столовой, так как второе блюдо я ем рис с овощами или жареным картофелем. Я стараюсь не есть десерт, но каждый раз, когда пудинги и блины всегда так вкусно, что их трудно отказаться. Вечером я люблю домашние блюда и попробовать новые рецепты.)
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