6 год назад
Помогите пожалуйста написать 3 отрицательных предложений, 3 утверждительных и 3 вопросительных! 6 класс

Aug 3, 2019
1) I dont have any money , because I am child
2) He havent time watch the TV , because he is very busy
3) She doesnt go to school , because she had disease .
1) Yesterday I went to walk with my friends in the park
2) I am preparing a talk in English
3) My hobby is dancing
1) How many books do you have
2) What is capital of England
3) Isnt difficult to speak on pictures and use English words in the topics or dialogues
2) He havent time watch the TV , because he is very busy
3) She doesnt go to school , because she had disease .
1) Yesterday I went to walk with my friends in the park
2) I am preparing a talk in English
3) My hobby is dancing
1) How many books do you have
2) What is capital of England
3) Isnt difficult to speak on pictures and use English words in the topics or dialogues
I cut apple sometimes. - Я режу яблоко иногда. Present Simple. утверд. ф.
She going home now. - Она сейчас идет домой. Present Continuous. утверд. ф.
They have bought (неправильный глагол) sandwich.- Они купили сендвич. Present Perfect. утверд. ф
Do I cut apple -Я резала яблоко вопр.ф.
Is she going now -Она сейчас идет домой вопр.ф.
Have they bought sandwich -Она покупали сендвич вопр.ф.
She going home now. - Она сейчас идет домой. Present Continuous. утверд. ф.
They have bought (неправильный глагол) sandwich.- Они купили сендвич. Present Perfect. утверд. ф
Do I cut apple -Я резала яблоко вопр.ф.
Is she going now -Она сейчас идет домой вопр.ф.
Have they bought sandwich -Она покупали сендвич вопр.ф.