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At preschool age there is an intensive process of formation of identity of the child, an important component of which is awareness of yourself as a representative of a particular sex.
The problem of gender socialization, including the issues of forming a mental sex of the child, psychological sex differences and paralioi differentiation and lying at the junction of several Sciences (sociology, biology, medicine, etc.), one of the most important and actual problems of psychology. Without its solution it is impossible to develop methods of differentiated approach to the education of children of different sexes for forming the foundations of such qualities as masculinity and femininity are necessary for the successful future execution of their functions in the family. For a long time in a number of objective and subjective reasons, the issue remained outside the sphere of researches of the Soviet psychologists, while in foreign psychology it has long attracted much attention of scientists.
Especially increased interest in the issue of gender socialization, and the intensified debate between representatives of different directions in recent years.
Study of the process of gender socialization in the preschool years, where its origins are, and the conditions which influence this process, is of particular interest. Gender socialization includes three aspects: cognitive-the child early begins to relate themselves to a particular gender, takes the idea of the content of a typical role behavior (Jn. Isaev, V. E. Kagan, I. S. Kon, T. A. Repin); emotional -- Polo-playing preferences, interests, values, reactions to evaluation, expression of emotions, associated with the formation of the traits of masculinity and femininity (D. V. Kolesov, A. E Olshannikova, N. B. Selivanova, T. P. Chrisman); behavioral -- absorption typical sex behaviors (I. S. Kon, D. V. Kolesov, N. V. Plisenko, T. A. Repin).
Analysis the common practice shows that currently, in the system of preschool education pose serious problems for gender education. Primarily, this is due to the fact that in the software and methodological support of preschool educational institutions of Russia are not gender particular. As a result, the content of education is focused on the age and psychological peculiarities of children, not the boys and girls of a particular age, which, according to scientists differ:
in physical development and social behaviour;
−in the intellectual and visual-spatial abilities and level of achievement;
−in the manifestation of aggression and more.
The preschool period is the period during which pedagogue parents should understand the child and help him uncover the unique opportunities that are given to him her sex, if we want to educate men and women, and not the asexual beings, having lost the advantages of their gender. During the most responsible period of formation of gender stability boys and girls for a long time of stay in preschool educational institution (8-12 hours) are exclusively female influence
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